Best arm workout routines for beginners

Arm workout routines

Arm workout routines are the ones that need full concentration on arms and biceps. These workout routines can be extremely vigorous or easy depending upon the type of workout routine you choose. If you are a fitness geek then you must be aware of these famous workout routines. However, in order to perform these exercises you must have some fancy equipment in your home. You can have barbells, dumbbells, incline or decline benches, as well as preacher bench to extend the strength in your arms. Always remember strong arms will certainly help make your muscles strong and better toned. Today, we will be discussing some very basic and simple arm workout routines. These routines will help you make your arms strong and sharp. Let's take a quick look at each of these arm workout routines.

#1. Cable Bicep Curl

The exercise that will create strong arms is cable bicep curl. These type of bicep curls will help you maintain the strong biceps and triceps. There are certain parts of our arms that need extensive workout for good and better outlook. If you want to increase volume in your arms and biceps then you must focus on arm workouts. When you are training in the gym, cable bicep curl is usually done towards the end of each session. If you are interested in doing cable bicep curl, then follow these simple steps: How to perform cable bicep curl:
  1. Take a cable band in both your hands and hold it with a tight grip.
  2. With palms facing each other, hands must be slightly wider than the shoulders.
  3. Keep your chest up.
  4. Tightly pull together your shoulder blades.
  5. Pull your  shoulders back into the socket and expose the front of your biceps.
  6. Your elbows must be under your shoulder joint, or in front of the ribs.
  7. With the help of your biceps, curl the cable towards you.
  8. Do not let your torso lean forward.
  9. Repeat the movement four to five times in one set.
[caption id="attachment_15710" align="aligncenter" width="300"]cable-bicep-curl Cable Bicep Curl[/caption]

#2. Barbell Curl 

If you want to build your biceps in a classic fashion, then barbell curl is your number one option. People who prefer to go to the gyms to perform exercises focus largely on lifting weights to build their muscles. The main focus of this exercise is your biceps. Additionally, this exercise adds strength and great size to the entire muscle when done appropriately. With the help of barbell curls, you can curl more weight than other curl variations. It is because you are lifting a singular object with both hands. The mechanism of this exercise is quite simple as well. You only need to load up a barbell, hold it firmly in both hands, and lift it towards your chin. Let's take a look at how this exercise is done.

How to Do the Barbell Curl

  1. Take a barbell and with a tight grip, grab it from both ends with your hands.
  2. With palms facing upwards, hands must be slightly wider than the shoulders.
  3. Keep your chest up.
  4. Tightly pull together your shoulder blades.
  5. Pull your  shoulders back into the socket and expose the front of your biceps.
  6. Your elbows must be under your shoulder joint, or in front of the ribs.
  7. With the help of your biceps, curl the barbell up.
  8. Do not let your torso lean forward.
  9. Repeat the movement four to five times in one set.
[caption id="attachment_15712" align="aligncenter" width="300"]barbell-curl Barbell Curl[/caption]

#3. EZ-Bar Preacher Curl - Arm workout routines

Preacher bench is used to increase the range of your exercising motion. Curling will add to the extension of exercise’s range of motion. Conclusively, there will be tension for a longer period of time in your biceps. This will result in more growth in muscles. When you are using an EZ-bar on the preacher curl, your hand will turn inwards. This motion will make it easier for your wrists to move freely. The target of the exercise will shift on the biceps. Let's see how this exercise is done.

How to Do the EZ-Bar Preacher Curl

  1. Sit down on a preacher bench.
  2. Place the back of your triceps on the pad of the bench.
  3. Set your body in the position as shown in the figure below.
  4. Keep your back straight and handle the barbell carefully in your hands.
  5. With your palms facing upwards, grasp the handle of the EZ-bar.
  6. hands must be slightly wider than the shoulders.
  7. Lock your body in one place.
  8. As you are flexing the biceps, curl the bar upwards.
  9. Stop at this point for a while.
  10. Flex the biceps.
  11. Lower the weight under control.
  12. Repeat the exercise.
[caption id="attachment_15660" align="aligncenter" width="300"]EZ-Bar-Preacher-Curl EZ Bar Preacher Curl[/caption]

#4. Single-Arm Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension

When we talk about exercises that impact our arms, we are actually discussing about various parts of the arm. This is quite a unique exercise and it provides a pathway to focus on triceps, especially. All you need to have a dumbbell and have the strength to lift it above your head. Plus, stretch your arm above your head in order to to put more focus on muscle contraction and increase the tension in triceps. Let's see how this exercise is performed. How to perform single-arm dumbbell overhead triceps extension
  1. Sit on a Swiss ball or and exercise ball.
  2. Take the dumbbell from the ground in your hands and start lifting it above your head.
  3. Stretch your arm as high as you can above your head.
  4. Slowly bring the dumbbell down to the ground level.
  5. Lift the dumbbell again above your head.
  6. Repeat the exercise in at least three sets of 8 to 10 reps.
Remember to: Contract your abs and hold your body still. Prevent your lower back from bending. [caption id="attachment_15711" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Single-Am-Dumbbell-Overhead-Triceps-Extension-arm-workout Single-Arm Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension[/caption]

Final Thoughts - Arm workout routines

These above-mentioned exercises are the best exercises if you are an exercise geek and want to make strong muscles and arms. I remember some years ago, I hesitate to perform these exercises as after performing these exercises, we usually feel pain in our muscles, but once we start to perform these exercises, we can get used to these exercises quickly. After three four routines, our arms will start to get into shape and gain strength. With arms, you must also focus on your chest, back as well as core muscles. Read the blogs to learn about these exercises! Visit HAJEX Fitness to learn about losing weight and how to effectively cut extra calories.