5 best bicep exercises for beginners
Bicep exercises
There are numerous exercises that are involved in maintaining the structure of arms including triceps, biceps as well as forearms and lower arms. Most people have this misconception that bicep exercises only include lifting heavy weights through dumbbells or barbells. However, this confusion can be removed when you will read this article thoroughly. In this blog, we will provide you five easy and simple bicep exercises that a beginner can perform quite easily. These can also be used in core muscle exercises as well as maintaining the structure of your back pose. Here in this article, we will cover bicep exercises from barbell curl to preacher curl. So, without further ado, let's take a look at these five best bicep exercises.#1. Barbell Curl
If you want to build your biceps in a classic fashion, then barbell curl is your number one option. The main focus of this exercise is your biceps. Additionally, this exercise adds strength and great size to the entire muscle when done appropriately. With the help of barbell curls, you can curl more weight than other curl variations. It is because you are lifting a singular object with both hands. The mechanism of this exercise is quite simple as well. You only need to load up a barbell, hold it firmly in both hands, and lift it towards your chin. Let's take a look at how this exercise is done.How to Do the Barbell Curl
- Take a barbell and with a tight grip, grab it.
- With palms facing upwards, hands must be slightly wider than the shoulders.
- Keep your chest up.
- Tightly pull together your shoulder blades.
- Pull your shoulders back into the socket and expose the front of your biceps.
- Your elbows must be under your shoulder joint, or in front of the ribs.
- With the help of your biceps, curl the barbell up.
- Do not let your torso lean forward.
- Repeat the movement four to five times in one set.

#2. EZ-Bar Preacher Curl - Bicep exercises
Preacher bench is used to increase the range of your exercising motion. Curling will add to the extension of exercise’s range of motion. Conclusively, there will be tension for a longer period of time in your biceps. This will result in more growth in muscles. When you are using an EZ-bar on the preacher curl, your hand will turn inwards. This motion will make it easier for your wrists to move freely. The target of the exercise will shift on the biceps. Let's see how this exercise is done.How to Do the EZ-Bar Preacher Curl
- Sit down on a preacher bench.
- Place the back of your triceps on the pad of the bench.
- Set your body in the position as shown in the figure below.
- Keep your back straight and handle the barbell carefully in your hands.
- With your palms facing upwards, grasp the handle of the EZ-bar.
- hands must be slightly wider than the shoulders.
- Lock your body in one place.
- As you are flexing the biceps, curl the bar upwards.
- Stop at this point for a while.
- Flex the biceps.
- Lower the weight under control.
- Repeat the exercise.

#3. Hammer Curl
In this exercise, the exerciser will have curl dumbbells. The exerciser's palms must face each other. The most comfortable position of the exerciser is this neutral wrist position. It will allow the exerciser to lift more weight. The target of this movement is biceps brachialis and brachioradialis. These are the outer biceps and forearm. Let's see how this exercise is done.How to Do the Hammer Curl
- Stand straight with arms wide with shoulder width.
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand.
- Twist your wrists so that they’re facing each other.
- Tuck in your arms at your sides.
- Flex your elbows to curl the dumbbells in upwards direction to your shoulders.
- Take control and lower them back down.
- Repeat the movement.

#4. Incline Dumbbell Curl - Bicep exercises
As the name suggests, this exercise requires an incline bench to perform the exercise. Therefore, in order to perform the incline dumbbell curl, the exerciser should lay back onto an incline gym bench. Curling the dumbbell on the incline bench will increase the length of the arm and create a longer range of motion. This will ultimately make this curl variation more potent.How to Do the Incline Dumbbell Curl
- Place your back on an incline bench.
- Your angle of laying down on the bench must be about 60 degrees.
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand with a tight grip.
- Extend our arms as far as you can.
- Do not move your shoulders.
- Slowly curl the weight in your hands up to your shoulders.
- At least for a second, hold the top of the movement.
- Slowly lower the dumbbells with control.
- Take control of your every movement.
- Rest and repeat.

#5. Barbell bent over row
If you want to build your biceps in an innovative yet conventional fashion, then a barbell bent over row is your option. The main focus of this exercise is your biceps. Additionally, this exercise adds strength and great size to the entire muscle when done appropriately. With the help of a barbell bent over row, you can add more weight than other bent over variations. It is because you are lifting a singular object with both hands. The mechanism of this exercise is quite simple as well. You only need to load up a barbell, hold it firmly in both hands, and lift it towards your chin. Let's take a look at how this exercise is done.
How to do barbell bent over row:
- Hold the barbell with both hands with a tight grip.
- Palms must be facing upwards.
- Sightly hinge over from the hips, with your knees flexed.
- Keep your hands shoulder-width apart.
- With both your hands, maintain a neutral spine.
- Slightly pull your elbows behind you.
- Hold the position for one second.
- Take control and put the load back down.
- Keep it sure that the line of the pull is into the belly button and not into the sternum.